Thursday 8 January 2009

Scrapping Again!

At the beginning of December, I put all of my scrapping gear away as I had too much to do for Christmas. This week, I pulled out some papers and a photo that I had slotted together for a LO and hey presto it went together very quickly. The photo is of Penny at almost 6 months. I hope to complete about 50 LO's this year - we'll see.

This week has been quite cruisey after our busy Christmas. We have enjoyed catching up with my scrapping friend Petrina and her children, Angus and Thea and trying out her new coffee machine which brews delicious coffee. We also visited the library on Monday morning with the crowds as it had been shut for 12 days. The kids really enjoyed selecting books and DVD's as we haven't done this for over a month. Tuesday was the return to swimming after a 2 week break. Neither of the children wanted to go but both loved it once they were in and I think the time spent in the pool at the beach apartments was quite valuable in improving their confidence. They enjoyed a play in the water park after swimming - the highlight of course! Penny returned to daycare on Wednesday and has gone up into a new room with most of her friends so she was quite at home and happy see everyone after the break. Nick and I managed to purchase his books and stationary for next year which was a long process. I think I'll just let the stationers pick and pack it for me next year. Nick was quite patient and so was rewarded with lunch at McDonald's.

My fitness regime has begun for the New Year with avengence! I have been to the gym on 2 mornings at 5.30am to do my program and on the other 2 days I have taken the kids on a bike ride and today Nick rode down to daycare whilst I pushed the stroller and we collected Penny and pushed her home much to her delight. Nick had a bit of trouble on the return up the hill but enjoyed riding through muddy puddles at the end which required bike, leg and shoe washing on reaching home. We've also put the table tennis up in the garage and Craig and I are enjoying playing. Unfortunately the children are still a little too short but still have a try. Craig had Penny standing on the table playing last night. She appeared to have more of a cricket action though.

Zoe is mending well and her surgery looks great. Unfortunately her pathology results were not very favourable as we feared (soft tissue sarcoma) so we are just enjoying her whilst we still have her with us.

Well must be off to bed as I'm also spring cleaning at present. I gave Penny's room a make over today and when she came home she was overjoyed. I can never get enough of a small child's reaction to something exciting.


*** Kylie*** said...

I hope your gorgeous dog will be okay....

I have left you something on my blog...

cya on Sunday :)

Petrina McDonald said...

Oh dear - sorry to hear the news about Zoe :(

Well done though with keeping up with the fitness routine. And I love your finished layout there too :)

Love P